Working Groups
WG 1 will try to identify all control and eradication programmes undertaken within COST action countries for cattle diseases that are currently not regulated at the EU level, providing a unique overview of current control programmes.
We will characterise these programmes; including their design as well as epidemiological and economic backgrounds. Furthermore, we will identify stakeholders associated with these control programmes to promote future consortium engagement as our project develops and outcomes emerge.
- Overview of controlled non EU-regulated diseases in cattle.
- Development of a handbook or wiki page describing these programmes.
- Creation of contact list with relevant stakeholders.
- In cooperation with WG 2 and 3, provide programme characteristics as the basis for an output-based framework for control programme evaluation.
George Gunn
Jörn Gethmann, Sam Strain, Jaka-Jakob Hodnik, and Madeleine Henry
Mentor Alishani
Tiina Autio
Ana Balseiro
Maria Serena Beato
John Berezowski
Ilias Chagliannis
Lina Costa
Iskra Cvetkovijk
Marc Dispas
Igor Djadsjovski
Elsa Duarte
Céline Faverjon
Jenny Frössling
Anton Gerilovych
Jacinto Gomes
David Graham
Maria Guelbenzu
Petter Hopp
Elena Irimia
Ramon Juste
Emmanouil Kalaitzakis
Jasmeet Kaler
Selçuk Kaplan
Xhelil Koleci
Alvydas Malakauskas
Kerli Mõtus
Violeta Munoz
Mihaela Niculae
Joao Niza Ribeiro
Dimitrios Papadopoulos
Theofilos Papadopoulos
Sinikka Pelkonen
Metin Petek
Beate Pinior
Miroslaw Polak
Nicola Pozzato
Inge Santman-Berends
Blagica Sekovska
Jože Starič
Marco Tamba
Marie Opsal Tangen
Hans-Hermann Thulke
Ivan Toplak
Erja Tuunainen
Gerdien Van Schaik
Sharon Verner
Stefan Vilcek
Ramazan Yildiz
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