The SOUND control COST Action was among the best performing COST Actions launched in 2018. In view of this result, COST invited the Chair of the Action, Inge…

COST Action CA17110
The aim of SOUND control is to coordinate, stimulate and assist with the initiatives to explore and implement a widely adaptable output-based framework applicable to substantiate the confidence of freedom and cost-effectiveness in current surveillance, control or eradication programmes for non-regulated cattle diseases in the EU.
COST Action CA17110
The aim of SOUND control is to coordinate, stimulate and assist with the initiatives to explore and implement a widely adaptable output-based framework applicable to substantiate the confidence of freedom and cost-effectiveness in current surveillance, control or eradication programmes for non-regulated cattle diseases in the EU.
The SOUND control COST Action was among the best performing COST Actions launched in 2018. In view of this result, COST invited the Chair of the Action, Inge…
The 2023 International Society for Economics and Social Sciences of Animal Health (ISESSAH) conference was held in Helsinki, Finland, 13-15 June 2023. Our member Tanja Knific gave an…
In this last webinar entitled “Moving towards output-based surveillance to control nonregulated diseases of cattle in the EU”, Dr Inge Santman-Berends, Chair of COST Action, gave an overview…