Open Calls

Conference Grants


Conference grants are exclusively reserved for PhD students and Early career investigators (ECI) with a primary affiliation in an institution located in an Inclusiveness target country (ITC) which is a member of the SOUND control project.

An applicant can be considered as being an ECI when the time that has elapsed between the award date of the applicants PhD and the date of the applicants first involvement in the SOUND control COST action does not exceed 8 years. The applicant must have an oral or poster presentation at the conference and must be listed in the official conference programme.

The application must be submitted at least 45 days before the conference start date. A Conference grant is a contribution to the overall travel, accommodation and meal expenses of the selected grantee.

ITC conference grant manager: Beate Pinior

Open Calls

An Open Call for ITC Conference Grant

01 November 2020 – 31 October 2021

The COST Action CA17110 ‘Standardizing output-based surveillance to control non-regulated diseases of cattle in the EU – SOUND-control’ encourages and supports PhD students and ECI researchers from Participating ITC to attend international science and technology related conferences. Please note that conference grant in SOUND-control should specifically contribute to the scientific objectives of the COST Action. The applicant must make an oral/poster presentation at the conference and must be listed in the official event/conference programme.

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