The SOUND control COST Action was among the best performing COST Actions launched in 2018. In view of this result, COST invited the Chair of the Action, Inge…
Final progress report – November 2022
The COST Action SOUND control ended on 29 October 2022. At the end, the Action connected 107 members from 33 different countries. We have built a close network…
STSM University of Nottingham (March – June 2022)
The main objective of my 3-month Short-Term Scientific Mission (STSM) was to synthesise the information gathered during the activities of Working Group 4 (WG4) and link it to…
Webinar “Progress with the Global Burden of Animal Diseases programme” by Jonathan Rushton
The webinar about the Global Burden of Animal Diseases programme was presented by Jonathan Rushton. Jonathan Rushton is an agricultural economist who specialises in the economics of animal…
Webinar “The DECIDE project: a data-driven approach for decision support” by Gerdien van Schaik
The webinar on the topic of the DECIDE project was presented by Gerdien van Schaik. Prof. dr. Gerdien van Schaik is the coordinator of the DECIDE project, works…
Webinar “Agent-Based Model for Bovine Viral Diarrhea” by Jörn Gethmann and Jason Bassett
On December 1st, we organized a webinar on an Agent-Based Model for Bovine Viral Diarrhea presented by Jörn Gethmann (Friedrich-Loeffer Institut, Federeal Research Institute for Animal Health, Germany)…
9-10 November 2021, Online – MC, CG and Annual SOUND control meeting
On November 9-10, 2021, the SOUND control consortium hosted an Annual online meeting to discuss the status and progress of the project. The first day of the annual…