SOUND control at ISESSAH 2023

SOUND control at ISESSAH 2023 1

The 2023 International Society for Economics and Social Sciences of Animal Health (ISESSAH) conference was held in Helsinki, Finland, 13-15 June 2023. Our member Tanja Knific gave an oral presentation entitled “Towards output-based surveillance of transmissible cattle diseases: challenges and opportunities”, in which she presented the work she had carried out during her Short term scientific mission (STMS) and updated after the discussion and workshop at the last meeting of the SOUND control consortium.
At the ISESSAH conference, she presented the work of SOUND control and the comparison between input-based and output-based survaillance in terms of objectives, design, outcomes, benefits and limitations or challenges. The challenges of implementing output-based surveillance were presented in more detail, particularly in relation to stakeholder responsibilities, data quality and availability, available mathematical and epidemiological methods, and the need for international standards, capacity building and trust between stakeholders.

SOUND control at ISESSAH 2023 2

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