Webinar “The STOC free model” by Aurélien Madouasse

The webinar “The STOC free model: A Bayesian Hidden Markov Model for output-based surveillance” was presented by Aurélien Madouasse. Aurélien graduated in veterinary medicine in Nantes (France) in 2006 and obtained his PhD in mastitis epidemiology in Nottingham (UK) in 2010. Since 2012, he has been working as an associate professor of epidemiology and cattle population diseases in Nantes on syndromic surveillance using production and reproduction data for the detection of emerging cattle diseases. In this webinar, he presented the work carried out for the STOC free project. Namely, the modelling hypotheses of the developed STOC free model, the model implementation and the application to data from the BVD control programme.
The recoding of the webinar is available here.