Sound control project member receives an EU grant for a large project about endemic contagious diseases in farm animals and salmon

Prof. dr. ir. Gerdien van Schaik, who is a core group member in the SOUND control consortium, coordinated a consortium that was successful in receiving an EU H2020 grant. Gerdien van Schaik, works at Royal GD and holds a chair at the faculty of Veterinary Medicine in ‘monitoring and surveillance of animal health’ in Utrecht University the Netherlands. Beside Utrecht University, the consortium consists of 19 partners from 11 countries, of which multiple partners are also participating in SOUND control.
The project is entitled “Data-driven control and prioritization of non-EU-regulated contagious animal diseases (DECIDE)”. The main goal of the DECIDE project is to develop data-driven decision support tools and workflows with which farmers and veterinarians can make informed decisions for the control of endemic contagious diseases in calves, broilers, piglets and salmon. These decisions take into account the presence of the infection, the direct production losses, the impact on welfare and the costs and benefits of any treatment. The DECIDE project will start in the spring of 2021and will have a duration of five years.
More information on this project can be found on