STSM University of Thessaly (June 2021)
Finalizing a data collection tool for input data to model the freedom of controlled cattle diseases
The aims of WG2|STSM5 were to (i) finalize the data collection tool to deduce existence of data about control programmes (CPs) (ii) improve the current version of the questionnaire (iii) check quality and data availability and (iv) develop guidelines to use the tool. Overall, the goal was to (i) “clean” and (ii) improve the tool, in a way to facilitate good data quality acquirement that will help the modelling work on WG3.
The main results of this STSM were:
- Updated “cleaned” version of the data collection tool, that can be implemented to acquire good quality data for non-regulated cattle diseases; The acquired data can be used by WG3 to estimate the probability of freedom from disease.
- Improved tool embedded in a Google form: (accessible here: SOUND-control CA17110 – Data collection tool ( The data collection tool was implemented in a Google form as a way to represent how the tool should work.
- Guidelines document with information on how one can use the tool.
- Developed country ‘X’: A template, (ideal country).
- Overview of the sources: The old version of the tool was disseminated among SOUND-control members, therefore information on data quality and sources were available.
As future work we should find better means to ask that information from users and explore efficient ways to collect the data both user-friendly (i.e., the user can easily input) and data-extraction friendly techniques (the analysis of the data to be done easily), e.g., tool embedded in a SQL database.
Brief personal impressions
This STSM gave me an excellent chance to be mobile again and exchange ideas with like-minded colleagues abroad and was ideal in giving me the opportunity to improve my education, skills and research background, allowing me to network with relevant scientist within EU countries. Given such a favourable work environment, I immediately started working on the main aims. In short, my impressions from my stay at School of Health Sciences, in Greece could not be more favourable and I am sure that this is the most productive and fruitful research experience!
Madalina MINCU
Research and Development Institute for Bovine Balotesti, Romania
Madalina Mincu (first from left) during her STSM in Greece and
Eleftherios Meletis (second from left) and a member of his team at
joint dinner.