
SOUND control at ICOALS, 1–3 November 2021

Professor Xhelil Koleci participated in the 3rd International Conference on Agriculture and Life Sciences held at the Agricultural University of Tirana (AUT), Albania, from 1 to 3 November 2021.…

STSM University of Thessaly (June 2021)

Finalizing a data collection tool for input data to model the freedom of controlled cattle diseases The aims of WG2|STSM5 were to (i) finalize the data collection tool…

SOUND control Newsletter – August 2021

The current summer edition of our newsletter is online. In this newsletter you will find a brief update, information about our past and planned activities, the introduction of…

Annual SOUND control meeting

On June 22-23, 2021, the SOUND control consortium hosted an Annual online meeting to discuss the status and progress of the project. More than 40 members from 32…

Call for Virtual Mobility grant candidates

The COST Action CA17110 ‘Standardizing output-based surveillance to control non-regulated diseases of cattle in the EU’ (SOUND control) encourages and supports networking of researchers between countries and institutes.…