STSM Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research (January 2020)

WG3 | STSM2: Evaluation of machine learning methods for the estimation of a probability of freedom from infection from data generated by disease control programmes
From the 12th to the 18nd of January I performed my second short-term scientific mission (STSM) in Leipzig, Germany. My host institution was the Department of Ecological Modelling, Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research – UFZ.
My task was to evaluate machine learning algorithms for the estimation of a probability of freedom from infection. Under the guidance of Dr. Hans Hermann Thulke, I explored the applicability of Bayesian Networks (BNs), as a machine learning structure method. BNs were used to represent the set of variables from control programmes data and their conditional probabilities. BNs were created to examine the relationship between the factors and the output which is the main purpose of this approach.
For me, this STSM was a great challenge, because I had the opportunity to implement all the background from the previous STSM (WG3|STSM1), in Nantes, France, to perform an analysis and produce an output, that I hope proves helpful for the Action.
Even though I did not visit around Leipzig, this STSM granted me the opportunity to perform a hands-on analysis and gain a lot of experience.
I would like to thank the leaders of SOUND-control for providing opportunities, like this one, to young researchers, like me and I would like to encourage other restless young researchers to do the same.
Eleftherios Meletis
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Thessaly, Greece